Property Managers, Landlords Have you ever had a tenant pay late rent or not want to pay rent?
For some landlords this is not a problem. For others, it’s their biggest nightmare. Area Texas realty & Management has compiled a list of tips to help landlords with late rent payment excuses. Have you heard any of the following excuses?
- I lost my job.
- We just bought a new car.
- Banks are closed by the time I get out of work.
- Our taxes are due.
- My (insert) died and I have to go out of town to the funeral.
- The check shouldn’t have bounced. This has never happened.
- I tried submitting payment online but my computer was not working.
- I mailed it. The post office must be behind.
- Wow, I lost track of time. It’s the 1st of the month?
- How many more days ‘til it’s really late”?
- I had hip surgery.
- I have to buy Christmas presents for my kids. (December)
- With Christmas gifts and parties, we’re going to be late this month (January)
- I thought rent was due on 3rd since Saturday was the 1st.
- They’re changing my pay period to the 15th and 30th. I will pay on the 17th
- You can’t evict me for another 30 days.
- My wife/husband left me.
- Oh, can you just take it out of my security deposit
- We’re moving can we wait till the 10th to get out?
- I filed bankruptcy; I don’t have to pay rent.
- I was on vacation for 2 weeks
- Identity theft issues and my bank has frozen my account for a week
- I thought I mailed it last week? Post office must have lost it.
- I had no power, and I couldn’t pay online
- I ain’t got it!
Set Guidelines Early On
Have you ever heard the old adage give them an inch and they will take a mile? This definitely applies to tenants. It is understandable that some tenants may experience problems in their lives but that should never effect when and if rent is paid. In our experience as a professional property management company once they go down that path it is extremely difficult to return to a normal payment schedule.
Clear Communication
This is extremely important if you want to discourage bad rent paying habits. Our property managers offer our tenants 5 convenient ways of paying rent. All tenants are made aware of rent amounts, due dates, late fees, and possible consequences for late rent. Give all notifications in writing either by email or post at the property.
Remain Professional
There isn’t any reason to be rude or unprofessional; it will just elevate the animosity that a tenant feels towards their landlord. Tell them you sympathize with their situation but you have a mortgage deadline you have to meet.
Have a System in Place
Every tenant should be treated the same. Make sure you completely understand the eviction process and that your system does not violate any laws. One misstep and your case could be thrown out of court.
Is all this overwhelming? Don’t have the stomach to come down on non-payers?
SIMPLE SOLUTION.. Hire Area Texas realty & Property Management to do the dirty work!
We have over 25 years experience in the Houston rental and property management business. We are so confident on our rental process, we offer FREE evictions on any tenants we place in your home. You pay only the court cost but we charge zero for our time.